


  • Swift relief of symptoms – the hot flushes and night sweats, as well as other symptoms, will diminish and even disappear within the first month of use
  • Better sleep
  • Increased energy levels
  • Control over mood changes
  • Decreased anxiety and aggression
  • Return of sex drive
  • No estrogenic effect on the breast or uterus
  • 敏捷的減緩症狀 - 利用一個月將會削減乃至消逝高潮紅和夜汗和其它症狀 ,
  • 較好的睡眠品質
  • 加強體力
  • 節制好表情
  • 減少焦慮和躁鬱
  • 性慾回復
  • 乳房或子宮無雌激素





芙婷寶Unstoppable將改良您生活品質 , 許可您成立一個健康且佈滿活力的糊口模式 .

通過骨頭重建的機制 , 長時間照護您的骨頭 .

Femarelle® Recharge: targets the menopausal woman - women suffering from the classic symptoms that come with the end of menstruation.

Feamrelle Recharge 針對更年經間困擾著女性 .

Femarelle® Unstoppable will improve your quality of life翻譯社 allowing you to build a healthy and vibrant life style that you deserve.


如果您是四十歲; Feel Like You Again 再一次的感受您自己.

如果您的月經已開始中斷了 翻譯社 芙婷寶Recharge is for you . 


Femarelle® Rejuvenate targets the primary stages and symptoms that accompany the hormonal imbalance that comes with age. The progress of irregular menstrual patterns is natural; however.





Femarelle Rejuvernate 是針對早期階段而且會跟著您的年數而陪伴著荷爾蒙失調的症狀 翻譯社 但是不紀律的經期是天然進展的 . 

常見討論症狀像是高潮紅(hot flushes) , 夜汗(night sweats) , 情感躁動(mood swings) , 睡眠障礙(sleep disturbance) .


If you are in your 40s翻譯社 and you start to see changes in your regular menstruation patterns, Femarelle® Rejuvenate is for you.



芙婷寶Recharge 將答應您在一個有效和自傲的方式負責您的停經過渡期.




The numerous studies conducted and published are proof that the Femarelle® line will provide you the highest assurance of swift efficacy and safety for the long-term and prolonged quality of life.

Joint and muscle flexibility


  • Better control over your moods
  • Improved sleep
  • Increased energy levels
  • Better skin elasticity

With Femarelle® Recharge翻譯社 you will experience:


芙婷寶=想要抗老變漂亮嗎,讓女公務員毛遂自薦一下醜小鴨變天鵝的進程,芙婷寶改變您的後半人生 ​​​​​​​

如果您的國家為符號在這張地圖上 , 為了完整的清單按下"國度清單" 並請通知我們 .


If your menstruation has ceased翻譯社 Femarelle® Recharge is for you. Femarelle® Recharge targets the symptoms that plague women during menopause. Hot flushes, night sweats翻譯社 mood swings and sleep disturbance are symptoms most commonly discussed; however, a decline in sex drive (decreased libido), anxiety and depression that accompany women in menopause can be of great distress and have an extreme effect on women's well-being






Vaginal health



Femarelle® Recharge will allow you to take charge of your menopausal transition in an effective and confident manner. * Please note that Femarelle® Recharge is the same product as the original Femarelle® with the addition of vitamin B6



Femarelle® Recharge

透過按下您所在的國度 , 您將會被重新導向該當地國家的芙婷寶官方網站 , 將幫助您尋找產品



If you are searching for the best product that will provide you bone health and vaginal health, Femarelle® Unstoppable is for you.


The Femarelle® line is based on the research of leading gynecologists and researchers around the world that have allowed us to develop three products targeting women in the different stages of menopause. The Femarelle® line provides you the best assistance with the highest assurance of safety for long-term treatment and prolonged quality of life.


不管您的症狀是輕微或明顯的 翻譯社 它們將會對您的生涯帶來負面的影響 , 但是它們可以或許控制 .













芙婷寶Unstoppable怪異性質供給不單單是新骨構成並且允許和優化少許的鈣以便骨骼裡的鈣質多余進而造成動脈鈣化 , 致使腎臟和膀胱結石 .


Prolonged bone health through its unique bone-rebuilding mechanism

Femarelle® Unstoppable(芙婷寶®勢不可擋)


With Femarelle® Rejuvenate翻譯社 you will experience:


芙婷寶Recharge針對更年期女性 - 女性患有停經典型症狀




Increased energy levels and ability to fight off depression

但是性慾降落(性慾衰減) , 焦炙和抑鬱陪伴著更年期女人造成極大的困擾和在女人安寧有極大的影響.

Femarelle® Unstoppable: for the post-menopausal stage - women who want to take full control over their bone and vaginal health and maintain better quality of life and healthy aging.

Femarelle® Rejuvenate(芙婷寶®復原)





芙婷寶Rejuvenate: 針對周圍停經階段(指的是行將要停經的階段) - 在女性四十歲面臨著荷爾蒙波動的最先.


請注意 芙婷寶Recharge是原來的芙婷寶產品透過加入維生素B6的產品.

假設您在四十多歲的時候,會入手下手看到您的經期會開始有紀律的轉變   (Rejuvenate是使年青化的意思)





於停經後階段 - 女性但願充實地節制本身的骨質和陰道照護且保持成熟健康更好的糊口品質.









Femarelle® Unstoppable will assist you in detaining the development of post-menopausal conditions and will provide you prolonged quality of life. The unique properties ofFemarelle® Unstoppable provide you with an exclusive product that not only promotes new bone formation, but also optimizes and allows a lower amount of calcium so that the calcium will be deposited in the bone without having excess that can be deposited in the arteries causing calcification, thus leading to kidney and bladder stones.

With Femarelle® Unstoppable, you will enjoy:


芙婷寶Unstoppable將幫助您逗留在停經後發展的情況而且將供給您持久糊口品質 .

In the map below you will find the list of countries where the Femarelle® line is available. By pressing on the country where you live, you will be redirected to the Femarelle® site in your country翻譯社 which will assist you in finding where to purchase the product. If your country is not tagged on this map, please contact us. For the full list please press below ‘list of countries’.


您可能已經開始發作 翻譯社 工作的媽媽、夥伴、女兒、姐妹等當需要辛苦的改變荷爾蒙並需要處理這個疑心和極大關切的一切 .


Femarelle® Rejuvenate: targets the perimenopause stage - women in their 40s   confronted with the start of hormonal fluctuations.




Whether your symptoms are slight or more pronounced翻譯社 they have a negative impact on your daily life, but they can be controlled. You are probably an active翻譯社 working mother翻譯社 partner翻譯社 daughter and sister and need to handle all this while struggling with changing hormonal levels, which are confusing and a source of great concern. With Femarelle® Rejuvenate, you can put these concerns aside and continue on with your daily life.




Better sleep




Femarelle Rejuvenate ,  您能延續的過您每天的生涯並拋開這些顧慮 .


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