
「二世欽哲佛母記念光碟」(有中文旁白) Khandro Tsering Chodron DVD

Booklet 英文隨身小書: (*冊數)
Natural Great Peace by Sogyal Rinpoche *1
The Nine Yanas & Essential Advice on How to Practise by Sogyal Rinpoche *1
Turning Suffering and Happiness into Enlightenment by the third Dodrupchen Rinpoche *1
The Meaning of Tsok & How to Practise Tsok Simply by Rigpa France *1
Bodhicitta by Sogyal Rinpoche *2
Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche by Sogyal Rinpoche *2
Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche by Sogyal Rinpoche *2

Rigpa Journal 法國本覺會期刊: (*冊數)
*Jan 2000 International Review * 5
*Sep 2000 International Review * 1
*Aug 2008 The Visit of H. H. Dalai Lama * 3
*Aug 2009 Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro (in French) * 1
*Jul 2011 Remembering Khandro Tsering Chodron * 2
*Jul 2010 Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche * 3

Book 英文原版書: (皆一冊)
Chogyam Trungpa: the Essential 
The Spirit of Tibet by Alison Wright (photos) 
White Sail by Thinley Norby 
Nagarjuna’s Letter to a Friend 
A Torch Lighting the Way to Freedom by Dudjom Rinpoche
What Makes You Not a Buddhist by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche (《近乎釋教徒》英文原文書)
A Commentary on “The Three Statements of Dzogchen”(《椎擊三要:噶千仁波切大美滿頓悟法》英文原文書)
A Spiritual Biography of Marpa, the Translator(《噶舉三祖師:馬爾巴傳:三赴印度求取法教,成立西藏噶舉傳承的大譯師》英文原文書)
The Life and Spiritual Songs of Milarepa(《噶舉三祖師《密勒日巴傳》從復仇到證悟,傳奇平生的偉大瑜伽士》英文原文書)
The Life & Teachings of Gampopa(《噶舉三祖師《岡波巴傳》:修道成績故事與岡波巴四法》英文原文書)
The Lives and Liberation of Princess Mandarava(《曼達拉娃佛母傳》英文原文書)
Lady of the Lotus-Born:The Life and Enlightenment of Yeshe Tsogyal(《伊喜.措嘉佛母傳》英文原文書)
The Life and Revelations of Pema Lingpa(《偉大的不丹傳奇.五大伏藏王之一 貝瑪林巴之生平與伏藏教法》英文原文書)
The Light of Wisdom I & II(《聰明之光》:蓮花生大士甚深伏藏《道次序遞次.聰明藏》1、二英文版) 
Light of Fearless Indestructible Wisdom: The Life and Legacy of His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche(《無畏金剛智光:怙主敦珠仁波切的生平與傳奇》英文版)
Revealing the Secret of Mind(《直顯心之奧秘:大美滿無二性 翻譯殊勝口訣》藏文原文書)
The Great Secret of Mind(《直顯心之奧秘:大美滿無二性的殊勝口訣》英文版)
Heart Lamp: Lamp of Mahamudra, The Immaculate Lamp that Perfectly and Fully Illuminates the Meaning of Mahamudra, the Essence of all Phenomena(《大手印之燈》英文版)
The Excellent Path to Enlightenment(頂果法王《成佛之道:殊勝證悟道前行法》英文舊版+中文版)
The Four-Themed Precious Garland
A Cascading Waterfall of Nectar(聽列諾布仁波切著作)
A Guide to the Words of My Perfect Teacher(索達吉堪布仁波切《大美滿前行備忘錄:附堪布阿瓊(阿格旺波)仁波切密傳》英文版)
A Spiritual Biography of Marpa the Translator(創古仁波切開示,行將發行中譯版)
The Life and Teachings of Gampopa(創古仁波切開示,即將刊行中譯版)
The Life and Teachings of Naropa(創古仁波切開示,行將刊行中譯版)

「金剛上師咒」The Vajra Guru Mantra (有二世欽哲佛母的唱誦)