
2.  One of the boys who ____ finished the homework ____ happy.
     (1. has, is    2. have, are    3. has 翻譯公司  are    4. have 翻譯公司 is)

3.  All of the money _______ saved in bank last week.  
     (1. was   2. were)

4.  All of the magazines _______ issued weekly. 
     (1. is   2. are)

5.  This pair of pants _______ to me.  
     (1. belongs   2. belong)

6.  The pants ________ to me.  
     (1. belongs   2. belong)

7.  A number of students _________ coming to the reunion.  
     (1. is   2. are)

8.  The number of studnts _________ quite large.  
     (1. is   2. are)

9.  Ten years ______ passed since we last met each other.
     (1. has   2. have)

10.  Reading good books _________ people wiser.  
     (1. make   2. makes)

11. Reading habits _________ important for students.
      (1. are   2. is)

12. When he got in, I was sleeping, ____________? 
      (1. didn't he   2. wasn't I)

13.  He was late because he didn't cactch the bus, __________?   
      (1. wasn't he   2. did he)

14. The man in blue pants ________ gorgeous. 
      (1. looks   2. look)

15.  The pens on the desk __________ useful. 
       (1. is    2. are)

16.  The teacher standing next to the foreigners ________ humorous.
      (1. 1. are   2. is)

主詞:  she,     動詞:  loves